
What Type Of Canon Camera Do I Have

The biggest advantage DSLRs have over smartphones and compact cameras is swappable lenses that suit what yous're trying to shoot. Whether you desire a lens that tin blur the groundwork for bang-up portraits or something that lets you lot zoom in shut to the action, there will be one available.

Lenses, however, are expensive. With and then many choices, you need to be brand sure you're getting the right i for your needs. A well looked-afterward lens will terminal for years so information technology shouldn't exist a throwaway option.

If you're already an experienced photographer, this article probably isn't for y'all. I'g not going to be recommending whatever super expensive, professional quality glass. Instead, I'k going to look at some of the best options for beginner and intermediate photographers who are looking to shoot new things.

Before diving in, information technology'southward important to note that Catechism has two different lens mounts: EF-S and EF. EF-South lenses will but piece of work on crop sensor cameras similar the entry-level Canon EOS Rebel T6. EF lenses will work on all Catechism's DSLRs.

If You Want to Shoot Portraits

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For portraits, there are two things you demand: a focal length of betwixt nigh 50mm and 100mm, and a wide aperture. This focal length range gives you natural looking portraits without too much distortion and the wide discontinuity lets you blur the background to zero.

The Catechism EF 50mm f/1.8 STM fits both these criteria perfectly, and at $125 is an absolute steal. At that place are very few lenses this expert, available that cheap. I still employ the one I bought when I first started portrait photography regularly.

If You Want to Shoot Sports or Wildlife

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Sports and wildlife photography are technically very similar: yous desire close up photos that bear witness the action, but, whether because you lot're stuck on the sideline or can't sneak upwards on a wild animal, y'all physically tin can't get very close to your subject. To overcome this, you need a telephoto lens.

The $299 Canon EF-Southward 55-250mm IS STM telephoto lens is ane of the cheapest telephotos you can purchase. At 55mm, information technology has an aperture of f/4, and when zoomed in to 250mm, it has an aperture of f/5.half-dozen. For sports and wildlife photography during the day, this isn't a problem. This lens also has image stabilization, which makes it easier to get shots in depression light, although the narrow discontinuity volition mean you have quite a deadening shutter speed.

The $599 Catechism EF lxx-200mm f/4L USM is a big step up in terms of image quality, and the aperture remains at f/4 throughout the whole range, but it costs a lot more and doesn't have prototype stabilization. It is definitely the better lens, though, and if your upkeep can stretch to it, it'due south worth the investment.

If You Want to Shoot Landscapes

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Although yous can shoot landscapes with any lens, most professional photographers utilize a wide angle for the simple reason that y'all can get a lot more than country in your photo. It'due south a lot easier to prove the size and dazzler of the mountains with a wide angle than a telephoto.

The Canon EF-S ten-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM broad angle zoom lens, at $279, is a not bad option. On a crop sensor camera, information technology gives you lot the equivalent of a xvi-29mm lens on a full frame camera. That's a perfect zoom range for landscapes. Although f/five.6 is quite a narrow maximum aperture, for a landscape lens it doesn't matter as much; yous'll normally be using an aperture of betwixt f/viii and f/16 anyway.

If You Want to Travel With Your Camera

Smartphones are rapidly taking over as the most popular cameras because that they are small, easy to bear, and always with you. Y'all can have much higher quality photos with a DSLR, but they are too large and beefy to comport effectually on a regular basis. Part of this is the camera, just it's also the lens.

RELATED: How to Take Adept Travel Photos

Catechism makes two great pancake lenses—they're called pancake lenses because they're thin and flat—to solve just this problem. The $149 Canon EF-S 24mm f/two.8 STM and the $179 Canon EF 40mm f/ii.viii STM are both keen lenses with a super low profile. They are both less than an inch long. This means that compared to a regular lens, they add almost no weight or bulk.

If you're planning to do a lot of street or travel photography, ane of these two lenses is perfect.

You don't accept to spend thousands of dollars to go good, versatile lenses for your DSLR. There is some great glass available from equally little as $125. Just make certain to cull the lens that's right for you lot.


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